Businesses & Luxury Homes for Sale & Rent by Owners (FSBO)

“For Sale By Owner” (FSBO) indicates that real estate is being offered for sale directly by the owner rather than through the services of a property agent or broker. Some sellers choose this option to avoid paying the real estate agent a commission on the sale. The buyer can negotiate the deal directly with owners which gives a lots of opportunities to make a good win-win deals.

Advantages and disadvantages of physical brick-and-mortar businesses

Many consumers still prefer to shop in a physical brick-and-mortar store. In these stores, consumers can speak with sale assistants and ask questions about the products or services. Brick-and-mortar stores have the ability to offer experience shopping whereby consumers can test a product (such as a video game or laptop) while shopping at the store. Brick-and-mortar businesses also provide consumers with instant gratification and ownership when a purchase is made in store.

Some people are wary of using credit cards or other forms of online payments. These customers often associate legitimacy with a brick-and-mortar business, as a physical presence that can encourage a perception of trust. However, there can be disadvantages for business owners and corporations that run brick-and-mortar stores including the costs associated with renting or leasing the building, paying salaries to sale assistants to conduct transactions, and utility expenses such as electricity, gas, heat, and water.

Some businesses are more appropriately suited to brick-and-mortar forms, such as hair salons, veterinarians, gas stations, auto repair shops, restaurants, and accounting firms.They are also more convenient when the product or service cannot be easily delivered online, such as a haircut.